If you would like to take a free trial of our services please follow the instructions below:

  1. Click on the green LOGIN/REGISTER button on the right of the menu bar
  2. Complete the 'Account Detail' section providing an email and password. If you had an account before, this will have now been deleted.
  3. Your address is not needed for trials, so please enter 0 in Address Line 1, and in 0 in Postcode.
  4. If you want to receive trade signals via SMS, please enter a mobile/cell number (otherwise enter 0), and check the 'SMS' box.
    IThe number should include the full international prefix even in the US/Canada
  5. Select your home country.
  6. Enter CLARITY (in capitals) in the Coupon Code box.
  7. Click on the CREATE ACCOUNT box.
  8. This will take you back to the login screen. Now login and you should have access to all items on our Services menu
  9. For details of how our system works, see

The free trial will not work without the CLARITY code. The signals will not work without checking SMS.  If you forget, just reload 'My Account' and amend it.

If you have any questions, please let us know by email or use our Contact form.

Please note we only allow one free trial per six months.